


National sailing shool for catamarans, optimists and wind-surfers.
Canoeing, kayaking, mountain biking, climbing

 Have fun!
Did you know that French executives spend almost 70% of their time in meetings? Seminars are THE solution for getting away from it all, while motivating and rewarding your teams.
To be stronger in these difficult times, companies need to motivate and unite their employees to create a company spirit and, ultimately, achieve better performance.
Finding oneself in a context other than work is highly conducive to the development of corporate values: exchange, respect, openness to others, integrity, collective efficiency, synergy, etc.
These outings help to motivate and stimulate employees by strengthening team cohesion and the involvement of individual staff members, in short, by developing a corporate spirit. Teams are more efficient and more effective within the company. From 40 euros / person / half day.
They can also help to integrate new employees and pass on the company's culture and values.
Have fun!
Sète nautical centre has a range of KETCH, CATAMARAN, PADDLE and CANOE equipment and can organise tailor-made days for you.

Ketch day :
• 22 people maximum (spread over 2 boats)- 1 skipper per boat
• Brief training (maximum 2 hours)
• Regatta (skippers take a back seat)
 Debriefing after the regatta
Capacity: 40 adults maximum on catamaran, windsurf and canoe fleet.
Possible packages: company seminars, organisation of tailor-made days out, etc.

The Sète Nautical Centre enjoys an exceptional location between the sea and the lagoon.

 2 nautical bases:
on the sea: the Françoise Pascal water sports centre
• on the Thau: the Miaille et Munoz water sports centre.

 Additional information
Price 2025 - €40/ pers.
Two group boats for 11 people each, allowing a group of 22 people to set off for half a day or a full day with a packed lunch.
The fleet consists of 40 adults on catamarans, windsurfers and canoes.
Open all year round
Know how to swim

 Contact them:
Base nautique Françoise Pascal, cor de Neuburg,34200 Sète
Base nautique Miaille et Munoz, 41 rue des fauvettes, 34200 Sète
Group bookings required - 04 99 04 76 60 
Website: nautisme-sete.fr