Museums and Interpretation Centres

The museum was opened on 12 June 1993 and is located inside the barracks. The aim of the museum is ...
    • Museums, interpretation centres and collections
Located in the heart of Marseillan-ville, the Fabrique offers quality programming throughout the ...
    • Museums, interpretation centres and collections
The Etang de Thau museum is a great place to find out all about the local people’s main industry: ...
    • Museums, interpretation centres and collections
The Regional Contemporary Art Centre (CRAC) of Occitanie, Pyrénées-Méditerranée lies on the ...
    • Museums, interpretation centres and collections
Located on the slope of the Mont Saint-Clair on a terrace overlooking the seaside cemetery and the ...
    • Museums, interpretation centres and collections
Perched high above the Mediterranean and the Théâtre de la Mer, this museum recounts the history ...
    • Museums, interpretation centres and collections
Fishing boat tour - the Louis Nocca Welcome on board!From the bridge to the engine room, step on ...
    • Museums, interpretation centres and collections
The Théâtre Henri Maurin is one of the last remaining Italian-style theatres in the department of ...
    • Museums, interpretation centres and collections
The MaCO: if New York has its MOMA, Shanghai its MOCA, Sète in all modesty has its open-air ...
    • Museums, interpretation centres and collections
The Musée-Parc des Dinosaures (Dinosaur Museum-Park) in Mèze, Hérault is the largest site museum ...
    • Museums, interpretation centres and collections
    • Museums, interpretation centres and collections
The MIAM focuses on fringe and unorthodox work, and likes to examine both high-brow and popular ...
    • Museums, interpretation centres and collections
The Espace Georges Brassens is a vibrant destination thanks to new sound and image techniques.The ...
    • Museums, interpretation centres and collections
This site museum is one of the rare French examples of a Gallo-Roman villa presented "in situ”. ...
    • Museums, interpretation centres and collections
Archaeological materials (prehistoric, Gallo-Roman and Napoleonic) share space with sculpted ...
    • Museums, interpretation centres and collections